Tuned in, bossed up

January 31, 2025

A vibrant purple two-story house with blue trim, featuring a large front window and a red door with an orange and white border. A small garden is in front, and there is a brown fence and a large tree to the right.

Howdy, KOTO Radio fans!

Welcome to the wild side of the airwaves — the downstairs front office at the Purple House on Pine. I’m your host, FM Fatale, also the host of Hippie Cowgirl Happy Hour every other Friday 3-5 p.m., also KOTO’s Executive Director (title not as highfalutin as it sounds.)

This radio station has helped raise me — I have grown here (big difference between grown and grown up, mind you.) I was 29 when I started at KOTO as the news director. I’m 40 now with this fancy title and miscellaneous memories from the past decade. Maybe I’ll share a few… let that serve as a disclaimer.

Also, as one small part of this caffeine and sugar-fueled motley crew known as KOTO staff, I’m tickled purple to have a space to bring you a behind-the-scenes look at station shenanigans and other radio-related meanderings from the inner sanctum of the director’s desk. This includes writing about my coworkers, whom I adore, and the DJs, whom I adore even more (sorry, coworkers.)

So saddle up! My mic is on. Let’s hit the play button on this wonderfully weird ride — I’ve got a few stories to tell.

FM Fatale, KOTO DJ

FM Fatale

Executive Director at KOTO Radio, former journalist, host of Hippie Cowgirl Happy Hour every other Friday 3-5 p.m. Follow my blog for a behind-the-scenes look at Purple House on Pine happenings and other radio-related meanderings straight from the ED's desk.

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