Leslie Ament shares Tales of the West End at the Lone Cone Library in Norwood March. 19th at 6 pm MDT
Naturita Community librarian Leslie Ament will share her tales of growing up in Uravan and Naturita as our March Bardic Trails guest storyteller on Wednesday, March 19th at 6 pm MDT.
The theme this month for storytellers and poets this month, if you would like a prompt, it’s “Water.”
The Stories & Poems free series happens on the third Wednesday of each month. Our featured guests will give a 15-20 min. presentation each, followed by a short question and answer period after the presentation. Then there’s a passing of the gourd, where community members are encouraged to share stories or poems.
A collaboration of the Lone Cone Library and the Telluride Institute’s Talking Gourds poetry program, Stories & Poems Norwood is free and open to all ages, thanks to the generosity of the library, a Town of Telluride CCAASE grant, private donors and Talking Gourds’ Fischer & Cantor poetry contests.
For more information, text 970-729-0220 or email Goodtimes at <[email protected]>. To visit the website: <www.tellurideinstitute.org/talking-gourds