Cousin Curtiss 2-21-25
February 28, 2025
Luke Floyd Radio Hour hosts Cousin Curtiss & Harrison B. for a chat about music, touring, and Gorrono Ranch.
Blessed and Buzzing
February 14, 2025
Post-radio buzz reverberates for days after my alternate Saturday night air shift. My Electric Angel persona ends by 9 p.m., but being plugged into the frequency modulated magic carpet for three hours lingers like the long-ago kiss of a secret crush.
Tuned in, bossed up
January 31, 2025
Welcome to the wild side of the airwaves — the downstairs front office at the Purple House on Pine. I'm your host, FM Fatale, also the voice of Hippie Cowgirl Happy Hour every other Friday 3-5 p.m., also the executive director here at KOTO. Follow me for a behind-the-scenes look at the mechanics of this marvelously peculiar little radio station.