Primo Curtiss 2-21-25

28 de febrero de 2025

Dos hombres con barba están de pie y sonríen. El hombre de la izquierda lleva un sombrero de ala ancha y sostiene una guitarra, mientras que el hombre de la derecha lleva un largo collar. Están en una habitación con paredes de madera y verdes.

Cousin Curtiss & Harrison B., Courtesy photo.

Luke Floyd chats with Cousin Curtiss & Harrison B. during their tour stop in Telluride. Cousin Curtiss played The Alibi on February 21st, 2025.

This recording also features two of Cousin Curtiss’ songs, from his album Seattle Sessions. You’ll hear “Run” and “My Lover and Me.”

A transcript of the audio follows.

Luke Floyd Radio Hour – Interview with Cousin Curtiss and Harrison B

Luke Floyd: You gotta let your soul shine. You really do. Let me get your mics on. Check, check. Hello, hello. Oh my God, you’ve got hot, dreamy voices! What is going on?

That was the first set on the Luke Floyd Radio Hour. That was by request. What’s up, Justin? Back in Indiana, playing a little Chuck Prophet, Heavy Heavy, Billy Idol doing L.A. Woman, some Luna, Squeeze, and starting off with Sniffin’ the Tears’ Driver’s Seat.

But I have special guests! We’ve been friends for quite some time, back when you used to let silly people screw up your show and play. Now we’re all over the place. I’ve got Cousin Curtiss and Harrison B. What’s going on, guys?

Cousin Curtiss: What’s up?

Harrison B: Oh, welcome!

Luke Floyd: How’s the road?

Cousin Curtiss: You know, it’s great, man. We’re having a blast. Full transparency, we were towed—not from a ditch but from the icy side of the road today in downtown Telluride—by none other than the maestro behind the microphone right now.

Luke Floyd: Oops. Well, we’re glad you made it. For those unfamiliar with Telluride, one side is sunny all winter, and the other side doesn’t see the sun and stays slick as hell. These rock stars did what they do—park where they want. A Texas move!

So thanks for finding the time. You guys are playing the Alibi tonight, right?

Cousin Curtiss: Yes, we’re playing the Alibi tonight.

Luke Floyd: What time do you go on? About 9:30?

Cousin Curtiss: Yep.

Luke Floyd: Cool. People can get tickets at the door?

Cousin Curtiss: Yeah, they can.

Luke Floyd: Sweet. Looking forward to it! I haven’t seen you since you played in the Core. Man, I love it. I was listening to your music on Apple Music. Where else can people stream it?

Cousin Curtiss: iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby—pretty much anywhere you stream music.

Luke Floyd: Very cool. I saw a picture on your website, from behind you guys in the crowd. Where was that taken?

Harrison B: That was at the Ogden Theatre.

Luke Floyd: Great shot. I’ve seen a lot of live music, and you guys put on an amazing show. A great live act lives forever. You guys move people.

Cousin Curtiss: Thanks, man!

Luke Floyd: You’ve been road warriors. What have you learned about life on the road?

Cousin Curtiss: One thing I learned from Harrison is to have a space for everything. Otherwise, it gets cluttered, lost, broken. Also, protect your creature comforts—young me could have learned that earlier.

Harrison B: Yeah, it comes down to knowing how to take care of yourself—musically, spiritually, and physically. You’re putting miles on your body. It’s easy to be passionate in spurts, but sustaining a career takes strategy.

Luke Floyd: Most fans don’t think about the 90% of the time that’s not on stage. It’s easy to romanticize the life.

Cousin Curtiss: If it wasn’t worth it, we wouldn’t do it. We’re all in with enthusiasm. If we have to carry gear for two miles, so be it—it won’t be the first or last time.

Luke Floyd: Harrison, where are you originally from?

Harrison B: Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Been in Seattle for eight years now. Moved there by way of Alaska, where I met Curt.

Luke Floyd: Murfreesboro! How did that shape your music?

Harrison B: It’s intrinsic for me. I was obsessed with pulling melodies from my head into the real world. In the South, casual music exposure is country and oldies—that shaped me.

Luke Floyd: When did you start playing guitar?

Harrison B: Been playing for 14 years. Played sports in college, needed something to chase afterward, and music became my passionate pursuit.

Luke Floyd: That passion shows on stage. Curtiss, you’re from Michigan originally, right?

Cousin Curtiss: Yep, Northern Lower Peninsula.

Luke Floyd: I was a fan early on. Your harmonica skills are amazing. I don’t know if you like the comparison, but sometimes I get John Popper vibes from you.

Cousin Curtiss: Thank you!

Luke Floyd: Who’s the devil in your bedroom?

Cousin Curtiss: Wow, deep cut! That’s from my 2017 album. It’s about casting aside negativity from early days playing bars and cafés where no one cared. Drawing a line and moving forward.

Luke Floyd: I love that album—it feels deeply personal.

Cousin Curtiss: It is. Those songs wrote themselves in about eight days in one location. Recorded in Mountain Village with Benjamin Whiting.

Luke Floyd: I’ve seen your songs evolve over time. That’s really cool. Now, tell me about the Seattle Sessions recording.

Harrison B: We recorded live in a small venue with 25 close friends. We wanted to capture our live energy. The video and audio are from the same takes—no studio overdubs.

Luke Floyd: Love that! Some of the best recordings are live in-studio. It captures raw energy.

Harrison B: That was the goal—to give fans a feel of our live shows.

Luke Floyd: And Seattle Sessions sounds so damn cool! I’ve got two tracks here: My Lover and Me y Run. Which one should we send you off with?

Cousin Curtiss: Let’s go with Run! Since we need to run down and get ready.

Luke Floyd: Perfect! Cousin Curtiss and Harrison B in studio. Go to for tour dates and merch. Where are you playing next?

Cousin Curtiss: We’re constantly on tour—coast to coast, Alaska to Texas, Florida to Maine.

Luke Floyd: Any cool artists you’ve opened for?

Cousin Curtiss: Just did seven shows with Eddie Volt. Also opened for Sierra Hull—watching her band play was like a master class. Oh, and Blackberry Smoke.

Luke Floyd: Blackberry Smoke is incredible! Well, thanks for making time. Show at 9:30 tonight—get there early!

Cousin Curtiss: Yeah, pre-sales are big, but you can still get tickets at the door.

Luke Floyd: Sounds good. Come over for dinner sometime!

Cousin Curtiss: OK!

Luke Floyd: Thanks, guys. This is Run off Seattle Sessions. Catch Cousin Curtiss all around the country. Love y’all!

(Outro music plays.)

Cousin Curtiss & Harrison B. perform on stage at The Alibi in Telluride. One plays an acoustic guitar and sings into a microphone, while the other plays an electric guitar. A drum with Cousin Curtiss written on it is partially visible in front.
Cousin Curtiss & Harrison B.
Luke Floyd, DJ de KOTO

Luke Floyd

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