The KOTO Citizens Advisory Board will meet on these dates in 2020 in the Hotel Telluride lobby:

Thursday March 12, 2020 at 5pm

Thursday June 11, 2020 at 5pm

Tuesday September 15, 2020 at 5pm

Thursday December 10, 2020 at 5pm

CAB Meeting Tuesday December 10, 2019

5:00- 6:30pm

Present: Michael Haberkorn, Carol Dix, Ben Kerr

The group discussed programming in general and the philosophy behind programming for KOTO.

The group also discussed the Listener Survey, which the CAB has been working on refining over the past several months. A couple of additional improvements were made to the survey, including modifications to the question regarding Spanish language programming. Additionally, and it was noted that CAB member Tara Carter had submitted several suggested revisions to the survey suggestion via e-mail to improve the clarity of the questions that we will add. Lastly, the group discussed whether the survey, once final and ready to go, should be made available via Survey Monkey, a fee service that compiles the results; Ben estimated the cost of the service at $30 per month. The group agreed that posting via Survey Monkey would be beneficial.

Once the final revisions are made to the survey, and Ben receives approval to utilize Survey Monkey, After that we will set the survey it up online and send notice to our membership that it’s available and we request they take a look and provide their input ready to go.

As a final item, the group also discussed and set the dates for the 2020 C.A.B. meetings in 2020 were set.

They are: Thursday March 12, 2020

Thursday June 11, 2020

Tuesday September 15, 2020

Thursday December 10, 2020

The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:30.

Notes from the June 11, 2019 Quarterly C.A.B. meeting

Hotel Telluride

In Attendance:  Michael Haberkorn, Jerry Greene, Ben Kerr

5:00pm – 7:00pm

·       JG suggested a Daily Planet story about CAB news

·       Discussion on the need for a Spanish language show.  Radio Ambulante, Latino USA, Radio Bilingue.  Spanish promo to solicit Spanish speaking DJs and CAB members; quote of the day in Spanish and English is an easy way to advertise.

·       Discussion of draft survey.  MH to further develop, send out for review and send it out.

·       JG commented that “Otto” is too quiet most nights

·       JG suggested contacting Anasazi Heritage Center for calendar announcements

·       JG suggested joining the Nucla-Naturia Chamber of Commerce

·       JG suggested getting Ridgway’s First Friday artwalks on calendar and Spanish PSAs on Otto.

Notes from the March 14, 2019 C.A.B. Meeting

Hotel Telluride KOTO Citizens Advisory Board Quarterly meeting 

In Attendance: Ben Kerr, Michael Haberkorn, Jennifer Ogilvie, Jerry Greene, Janet Humphreys

1) Revisited the topic of sending a revised Survey Monkey to KOTO members. Main questions revolve around programming, times of programming, local shows and syndicated shows. There has been an old survey in existence for years with hundreds of responses. This would be an updated version. 

* All CAB members are in support of any communication that brings listeners feedback into the studio *

2) New discussion on local and syndicated programming:

* Ideas included bringing BBC back into the mix and possibly Indian News Now / Native Voice One

* Incorporate more local Telluride-based musicians / bands

* In-Studio sessions and interviews with bands traveling through town

* Bring Tom (owner of Telluride Music) into the studio or even air sessions from his music shop

3) Rewrite a letter to be posted on the website highlighting the current political discussion of presidential cuts to the Corporate Public Broadcasting organization. There had been a letter drafted by the CAB that called attention to this matter, and CAB feels that with the current political state, it could assist in fundraising for the station. (Remember that 1/3 of the KOTO budget comes from CPB).

4) Lastly, the CAB would like to draft an email to KOTO members, asking for and encouraging participation in the Citizens Advisory Board. This letter has nothing to do with fundraising, only asking for feedback for the beloved radio station!

Resolution of the San Miguel Educational Fund (SMEF)         7/97

 WHEREAS SMEF is the owner and operator of community radio station KOTO, and

WHEREAS the SMEF board is empowered by its bylaws to carry out and delegate policy decisions regarding the allocation

and scheduling of broadcast and production work, and

WHEREAS it is the mission of KOTO to provide the highest level of programming to the community it serves, and

 WHEREAS SMEF believes it is positive to promote the discussion of programming with representatives of the board, KOTO, staff, volunteers and listeners

 Now, therefore be it resolved that KOTO establish a  “programming advisory board (CAB)” with the following general powers and procedures:


Make-up and appointment

 The board will consist of ___members:     1   from the SMEF board;     1    from the staff (one of whom will be the program director);

and the remainder from volunteers and/or listeners.  The CAB will be appointed by the SMEF board.  Terms shall be for a period of     4    years.

Volunteer/listener seat openings shall be announced on the community calendar with statements of interest requested.


Powers of the Board

 The CAB is delegated the power to:      1) Discuss and make recommendations to the program director, regarding past, current and future programming.

     2) Review, discuss and make specific recommendations  regarding programming policy to the SMEF board, either at the request of SMEF or by the initiative of the CAB.

     3) CAB may develop and make programming awards.


Procedures of the Board

 1) The board shall meet generally on a quarterly basis.  Its  meetings shall be public. 2) Governing and operation of the CAB meetings shall be

determined by CAB. 3) CAB may, on occasion, use the KOTO airwaves to promote  programming discussion and public input.